Strengthening the Central Channel with Lavender Star Flower Essence
The central channel connects your base and crown chakras
Lavender Star Flower is an important flower essence for strengthening our central channel. What is our central channel you ask? It’s the line of energy that connects the base chakra and the crown chakra. This central energy channel is also thought to connect us with Spirit, with energy travelling down from above, through our bodies and energy centres, and down into the earth, and at the same time, energy from the earth may travel upwards through the central channel, strengthening our connection with the earth, and keeping us grounded. When this channel is strong, it’s easy for us to connect with our intuition, with our own guidance, and to feel centred and grounded. When this channel is off balance, or impacted in any way, we can feel disconnected from ourselves, lost and confused.
The Soul Star Chakra
Lavender Star Flower essence in particular helps to balance, energise and activate our crown and soul star chakras. While a lot has been written about the seven major chakras within the body, not as many people know about the soul star chakra. The soul star chakra is located about 30cm (1 foot) above our head, and is thought to be the seat of the soul. The soul star chakra is central to our path, our purpose and connection to the universe. As I’ll explain further, the benefits of Lavender Star Flower essence are intricately linked to the soul star chakra.
The soul star chakra sits above the crown chakra
Lavender Star Flower Essence Benefits
Lavender Star Flower essence helps to draw energy from Spirit down into our upper chakras, in particular the soul star, at the same time strengthening the central channel and restoring faith in the Divine/Spirit/the Universe, whatever you want to call it. Your connection with your Higher Self is strengthened, bringing you wisdom, strength and energy, reconnecting you with your path, your purpose for this life. This essence and this process helps you to remember the truth of who you are. You are pure love and light, equal to and connected to all other beings, souls, all things, all is interconnected. You are light, you are love, you are pure vibrating energy, capable of manifesting and doing anything you choose to. You have more power than you realise. Use it. Don’t waste it. This essence helps you to remember your divine connection to Spirit, to all that is and ever will be. You are the whole Universe expressing itself through you in your unique expression of life force energy. You are here for your own unique path.
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.”
- Martha Graham
You are the entire universe experiencing itself
Lavender Star Flower essence helps you to remember this. It helps strengthen your connection with your Higher Self, helping you to know your own sovereignty, power and energy. You are powerful beyond measure. Remember this. This essence may assist you to tap into this knowing, this wisdom, power, and energy, strengthening the whole central channel, from Spirit and your soul star chakra, all the way down into the earth.
May you embody this wisdom, this energy, into your being, anchoring it in, embodying, becoming it. Anchor into your sovereignty and embody your own power, because you are the whole universe expressing itself in this physical body. Know it.
Flower Essences of the Month
Lavender Star Flower is our flower essence of the month for October. Flower essences of the month have been intuitively selected for those on the mailing list. Unsure what flower essences are and how they can help us? Click here to learn more.
Each month, I tune into the energy of those on the mailing list and intuitively select a flower essence that will be of most benefit that month. This month, it’s Lavender Star Flower essence.
If you would like flower essences to be intuitively selected for you along with those already on the list, you can join us here.