How to Connect With Nature. Daily.
Connecting with nature
Most of us are aware of the healing benefits of nature. It revives and replenishes us, it’s our natural environment, how we evolved. The disconnection from nature not only harms our nervous systems and in turn our physical bodies, but this disconnection also harms the planet. We protect what we love, and if we don’t know nature, how can we love and protect it? While getting out of cities and into wild nature as much as we can is so healing and beneficial, it’s the things we do daily that can make a more sustainable contribution to our wellbeing, that we need to remember.
“The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies”.
- Laura Ingalls Wilder
I live in a city, how can I connect with nature daily?
How can we connect with nature when we can’t get out into nature, when we’re stuck in our daily routines, maybe in a city, or suburbia, far from forests, oceans, wild places.
Even if you can’t be in nature, take time to notice or connect with the nature that surrounds you daily. An indoor plant, or a tree beside the footpath. Notice gardens. Think about the fruit tree that grew the apple you're eating. Savour every bite. Eat mindfully, be present. Take it all in. You are one with nature, no matter where you are.
Take the time to visit a park, eat lunch outside, sit on the grass. These things seem simple and obvious, yet it is so easy to forget. Nature is here for us, we just need to take notice. Walk barefoot on the earth, feel the breeze on your skin. Look up, notice the moon and her phases, look at the stars whenever you can. Take notice of the changing of the seasons. The new growth on the plants, the longer days, the warmer air.
Notice nature all around you
Nature is everywhere. How do you feel when you connect?
Look up from your phone, nature is everywhere, waiting for you to connect. Feel the difference in your body when you live your days this way. Taking small moments to connect whenever you can. It all counts, and it all will impact your energy in a positive way. Small moments every day, they all add up and can have a huge impact overall. What do you notice? How do you feel? Nature is always there for us, we don’t have to leave the city, or go somewhere far away to experience and connect with nature. It’s right here. All around us. It’s everywhere, and also within us. Just tune in, breathe into the rhythms of the earth, the rhythms of your body.
Feel the energy of flower essences
Using flower essences to connect with nature
As Ariel Rose products are infused with flower essences, that is, with the energy of flowers, using our products is also another beautiful way to connect with nature. When you take flower essences or apply them to your skin in body elixirs or mists, you are literally absorbing the energy of nature, the energy of flowers. As you use your body elixir or take your flower essence, take a moment to thank the flowers and the earth for their healing energy. Really feel the flowers and visualise their energy soaking into your pores and merging with your aura, body, and your own energy. Thank the flowers and the earth for this gift. Hold gratitude and a reverence for the earth. We are all connected.
Trees and plants are breathing, giving us oxygen
A meditation to connect with nature
I want to share with you a beautiful meditation I learnt from David Crow from Floracopeia. It’s one you can do outside, inside with an indoor plant, or watching a tree through a window, and if none of this is available to you, simply close your eyes and visualise a plant or tree in front of you.
When you see a tree or a plant, just remember what they’re actually doing. They’re breathing. They’re giving us oxygen. They’re detoxifying the atmosphere. Visualise how they’re doing this. They’re inhaling carbon dioxide, and exhaling oxygen. Make it a habit that when you see plants, recognise what they’re doing, doing this can greatly deepen your connection with nature, to appreciate what nature does.
Bring attention to your breath. Inhaling… exhaling… As you breathe in, you are rejuvenating the body, and as you breathe out, you are detoxifying the body. Just be aware of this process of rejuvenation and detoxification, with every breath. Do this for a few moments, as long as feels good to you.
Now notice a plant in front of you, or in your mind. Visualise the plant breathing in and out. The plant is detoxifying as it exhales, and rejuvenating as it inhales. Inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen. Now sync up your breath, with the plant's breath. As you exhale, the plant inhales, and as the plant exhales, you inhale. Visualise this process as you breathe. Breathing in unison with the plant. Inhaling the oxygen it exhales, and it, inhaling the carbon dioxide that you exhale. A continuous process, each breath, each moment, each day, connecting you and nature.
I hope you can use even just one of these tips and that it deepens your connection with nature.
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