Reconnect with your heart with Apricot (Crepuscule) Rose Flower Essence
Apricot (crepuscule) rose
Apricot Rose Flower Essence restores trust in yourself, in your own heart, and in love itself. When your heart has been wounded, this flower essence restores a softness, a lightness. It softens any armour around your heart so it may be gently released. In its place it brings a warmth and sweetness to your heart, soothing any irritability stemming from heart hurt and grief. It may ease loneliness and connects you with the glowing beauty in your own heart.
This flower essence helps to ease distrust and restores a feeling of peace and serenity, through the connection with the purity and sweetness of your heart’s original essence, before any wounding. This flower essence reminds you to anchor into this energy available to you always, within your own heart. Apricot Rose essence assists to strengthen this energy and helps reconnect you to your inner glow, reconnecting with the warmth of your own heart and surrendering to trust.
Connecting your sacral and heart chakras
Love and sensuality
Apricot Rose essence connects the heart and sacral chakra, strengthening the connection between them. This connection helps to bring sensuality to the expression of love, and love to the expression of sensuality. Energy from the sacral chakra is brought up to the heart and then expands outward. It brings a soft glow to the heart chakra that then radiates out into the world - from your heart.
You are here to shine bright
Note: a lot of flower essences have this action of radiating energy out from your heart into the world. This is because they assist us to anchor into the truth of who we are and this true energy, once tapped into and anchored, is then able to radiate outwards, as it should. We are not here to hide our light and make ourselves small. We are here to shine bright as our true selves, as the radiant beings that we are. The flowers each differ slightly in how they assist us to do this.
Radiate your light
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
- Marianne Williamson
When light is brought back to your heart, this energy brings a glow to your skin, to your face, a radiance. You are reconnected with your own heart and with the earth.
Flower Essences of the Month
Flower essences of the month have been intuitively selected for those on the mailing list. Unsure what flower essences are and how they can help us? Click here to learn more.
Each month, I tune into the energy of those on the mailing list and intuitively select a flower essence that will be of most benefit that month. This month, it’s Apricot (Crepuscule) Rose Flower Essence.
If you would like flower essences to be intuitively selected for you along with those already on the list, you can join us here.